Thursday, April 26, 2007


It's Wednesday night I have to work but I can rest safe in the knowledge that my v plus box is hard at work taping the game and I can watch it on my return. Isn't technology wonderful?

Then again on return I'm quite tired so I'll wait to the next morning, I wake up settle myself down with breakfast, remote and get ready to watch one of the big games of the season. Except I can't I have a problem but v plus boxes don't get damaged virgin media will tell you before you sign up. they do though, and it's not the first and nor I fear is it the last. Which other game will v plus suddenly decide I don't want to see. The customer service staff tell me it's rare they have problems, so rare that it'll take upto five days to get someone to fix it, what are they shipping in the technical experts from the new planet just discovered.
I tell them this isn't the first problem I've had with said company and it isn't it once took five tecnhicans, six visits and three weeks to fix a previous problem, sounds like the plot to an implausible Five comedy show doesn't it?

So fear not though because I'll be compensated a whole 3pounds fifty, if a champions league semi final is worth three fifty what price the last day of the season when I'm scheduled into work, four pounds, four fifty, don't I just spend that in morning wasted on call centre calls, emails and annoyed blogs.

Isn't technology a wonderful thing?It might not work but we now have five different ways to register our disgust with it, just as well really because you never know when any of those five are going to breakdown.


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